#0176: Introducing Nether (ØNTHR)
by Matthew Sinclair
Tags: braingasm, crypto, stablecoin, netherzero, nether, defi, 2025
Introducing Nether (ØNTHR) — The World's First Perfect Stablecoin
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G'Day! I'm Matthew Sinclair (M@), and I build stuff with bits. I'm an Aussie based in London. I've plied my trade around the world for almost 30 years, where I have been lucky enough to work with some of the best designers, product managers, engineers, and innovators to build great digital products, services, and platforms.
This site is the starting point for information about me and my work, blogs, coaching, projects, speaking, and other random things that keep me interested and engaged. Please say hello!
The goal of this site – on top of housing my blogs and other contact info – is to capture everything I know about engineering leadership. It will take some time to complete, but I hope to fill out as much detail as possible and share it openly with the community.
Don't hesitate to contact me (via the channels below) if you want to know more!
by Matthew Sinclair
Tags: braingasm, crypto, stablecoin, netherzero, nether, defi, 2025
Introducing Nether (ØNTHR) — The World's First Perfect Stablecoin
by Matthew Sinclair
Tags: qfm, irresponsible, ai, reading, list, february, 2025
Everything that I found interesting last month about the irresponsible use of AI.
by Matthew Sinclair
Tags: qfm, engineering, leadership, reading, list, february, 2025
Everything that I found interesting last month about engineering leadership.
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